
Confirmable integration test failing

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I'm having an issue with an integration test checking for the confirmation email to be sent. I have described the issue here. I really can't get my head around it - but I thought I'd post it here since it only appears when async is enabled and only for confirmable. Or maybe I'm missing something...

mhfs commented

@kitsched would you please take a look here and see if it helps.

There's also a Devise::Async.enabled option that might help you figure out what's happening.

Let me know how it goes.

Thank you. As suggested, if I start the register related spec block with Devise::Async.enabled = false it passes. This is no surprise because the spec would also pass when I completely disabled async from the model, but I still don't understand why this one wouldn't work with async while the ones related to password reset go through.

mhfs commented

You have use_transactional_fixtures enabled in rspec, right?

The reason why the confirmable one fails is probably because you have it enabled and the user is created inside a transaction and therefore the after_commit hook is never called.

I'd guess the password reset code doesn't use transactions and that's way the emails are triggered.

You can confirm my theory in your logs.

Yes, I have it enabled. I solved this issue by disabling use_transactional_fixtures for this one spec:

describe "Registers" do
  self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
  it "should inform the user to confirm account" do
    [ ... snip ...]

Thank you for your help.

mhfs commented

Great - just be sure to clean after yourself in this spec. You might end up leaving records behind you that confuses the specs running after this one.

I answered myself on SO. Hopefully correctly. Thanks again for your help.