
Jobs are being en-queued but not processed

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am using

rails 4.2
devise 3.5.1
devise-async 0.10.1
sidekiq 3.4.2
redis 3.2.1 (installed redis-server 2.8.4 on ubuntu 14.04)
devise_token_auth 0.1.31 (dont think it will interfere in any way)

I have created devise_async.rb in initializers

Devise::Async.setup do |config|
  config.backend = :sidekiq
  config.queue = :default

Added :async in User model devise method

Modified application.rb, added the following line

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq

Now, I am running rails c and executing the following command

User.invite!(email: '', provider: 'email')

note: provider attribute is required cause of devise token auth (ignore that)

this is en-queuing the job correctly but not processing it. Am I missing something?

Ok going through issues, I found that this gem doesnt use ActiveJob instead devise-async-activejob does. So I will have to write up my own worker.
I think updating README to mention these things will be a good idea.