
Do not highlight the update only if the difference in the minor version

XVilka opened this issue · 4 comments

For example if you have something like

serde_json = "1.0"

and you invoke CratesToggle it will show pink 1.0.41 as an update available. But if the lowest version is not specified cargo will take the highest possible variant of 1.0.x anyway. Maybe it's not necessary to indicate that if the difference only is in the last number? And show the update if 1.1.y was released (or higher) only?

mhinz commented

Sure, can do that.

Just one design question.. for comparing semver numbers, 1.0 gets normalized to 1.0.0 in the process. So, assuming there would be a newer version 1.1.0, it would show exactly that. But should it just show 1.1 instead, keeping the shorter format the maintainer chose?

I think showing the full version is perfectly fine. It's just comparison that matters here.

mhinz commented

I forgot to mention that :CratesToggle and :CratesUp use the same code to get the latest version. So would you also expect :CratesUp to change a line from 1.0 to 1.1.0?

Well, I think it is fine. Despite my lazyness, I prefer to do the version bumps individually, considering the implications.