Missing plugin topics: snippets, textobj and other
kiryph opened this issue · 1 comments
kiryph commented
I know that the list in https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore/blob/master/contents/plugins.md should not become a list of all plugins: however, I consider following topics important enough to add them:
Topic: Snippets
- ultisnips
- neosnippet
- garbas/snipmate
- xptemplate
Topic: Surround
- surround.vim
- https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich which supports more customization and visualrepeat.vim
Topic: Textobjects
- targets
- https://github.com/AndrewRadev/sideways.vim
- see kana textobj-user: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/wiki
Topic: Cycle
IMHO following plugins should be added as well
- vis.vim (people often complain about ex commands that they do not work on visual-blocks)
- unimpaired.vim
- FastFold
- exchange.vim
- scriptease.vim
- repeat.vim
- visualrepeat.vim
ft-specific ones:
Feel free to reject it, but I hope, I have mentioned a few reasonable additions.
mhinz commented
Great list, thank you! I added most of the suggestions. :-)