Add missing "do no harm" plugins
kiryph opened this issue · 1 comments
kiryph commented
from These are in particular
[vim-abolish]( (1.1k stars)
[vim-characterize]( (160 stars)
[vim-eunuch]( (720 stars)
[vim-gutentags]( (680 stars) (section Tags)
[vim-lion]( (section Alignment) (290 stars)
[vim-qf]( (180 stars)
[vim-qlist]( (40 stars)
[vim-repeat]( (1.1k stars)
(possibly [visualrepeat]( as well)
[vim-sensible]( (2.9k stars) (not sure if this is still important in times of neovim and modified defaults in vim8)
[ttags_vim]( (6 stars) (section Tags)
BTW: the plugin targets
is mentioned twice: in Text objects and Misc.
Since I am already at it: I also miss [vim-indent-object](
(300 stars) under Text objects which is one of the more general custom text objects and is useful in many filetypes. This plugin, in particular, allows to extend the selection with vaiai
mhinz commented
Thanks! ✨