
Usage of ```viml vs ```vim

g0xA52A2A opened this issue · 8 comments

Both tpope's markdown.vim and github support the usage of


as opposed to


to syntax highlight code blocks of vim language. Would you be open to a pull request?

any differences?

let g:ws = 11
let g:wsd = 11

EDIT: oh sorry ,I got it ,I have missunderstanded

When reading in vim yes, although I'm actually using neoivm but I don't think this makes a difference.

I am using neovim ,and I can not find syntax highlight
2016-01-22 21 50 15

You'll need to define g:markdown_fenced_languages, for example I have the following.

let g:markdown_fenced_languages = [
  \ 'c',
  \ 'vim',
  \ 'sh',
  \ 'ruby',
  \ 'python',
  \ 'yaml',
  \ 'sql',
  \ ]

sorry,I do not us markdown plugin.

Thanks ,it works well for me

mhinz commented

@wsdjeg The plugin is just the development version of the same files included in Vim. Even without the plugin you can use let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['vim'].

@George-B I'd appreciate a PR!

thanks @mhinz I got it

Created PR #73