- 3
History of Vim-like editors
#4 opened by mhinz - 4
Introduction to VimL scripting
#3 opened by mhinz - 0
- 1
- 1
Add an extra section about Neovim
#42 opened by mhinz - 6
- 1
Improve description of :help
#12 opened by mhinz - 2
Map ctrl to capslock
#44 opened by mhinz - 1
Regexp engines and regular expressions
#1 opened by mhinz - 1
- 1
Persistent undo etc.
#27 opened by mhinz - 1
Capture command output
#47 opened by mhinz - 1
Preview window
#48 opened by mhinz - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
#45 opened by mhinz - 1
#35 opened by mhinz - 1
args, argdo
#49 opened - 1
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- 1
Changelist? Jumplist?
#31 opened by mhinz - 1
text objects take count
#39 opened by frederikvs - 6
"/ can be set explicitly
#38 opened by jamessan - 5
- 1
Key timeouts
#26 opened by mhinz - 1
Plugins: add demos that show off the workflow
#10 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: restore position
#29 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: remote files / sshfs
#30 opened by mhinz - 1
Debugging: :syntime
#25 opened by mhinz - 1
Basics: marks
#22 opened by mhinz - 1
Debugging: add :debug and 'verbose'
#19 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: tmux
#20 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: clipboard
#7 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: text objects
#15 opened by mhinz - 0
- 1
Basics: Registers?
#13 opened by mhinz - 1
Add plugin vim-pad to taking notes section
#14 opened by mannytoledo - 1
Intro: Good minimal vimrc
#5 opened by mhinz - 1
Quirks: bracketed paste
#9 opened by mhinz - 1
Basics: Autocmds
#6 opened by mhinz - 1
Usage: explain quickfix and location lists
#2 opened by mhinz