
Pass count to `nice`

techniq opened this issue · 9 comments

It would be helpful if you could pass the tick count to yNice (et. al) instead of only a boolean and it would get set in createScale().

So we would still support...

<LayerCake yNice />

...which would call .nice()

but also support...

<LayerCake yNice={4} />

...which would call .nice(4)

I created this REPL to demonstrate the flexibility of passing the count to nice.

Also I was struggling to use yPadding to add some extra pixels to the scale (account for labels above the data point) but I'll open a separate issue once I've identified the root issue (or find out I'm doing something wrong :) ).

Ah yes good idea. I didn't realize you could pass a number to nice. That sounds like a good change. Thanks!

@mhkeller I'm always struggling with getting the domain to round/nice as I want, so finding this helped :), although I wished there was a better "round to the closest next tick".

For example, I would want the domain to nice to 300 but currently it goes to 260. You can see the results of nice() (and with an explicit count) in this REPL but I hate having to provide an explicit count (as you don't always know how many will be rendered, at least from my understanding).


Actually I forgot I explicit set ticks to a default of 4 which if I wasn't, it would produce these ticks.


I always thought the default number of ticks was too high, and thus, after the change requested here, I can pass yTicks={4} and all will be good :). It's always interesting that the tick count is used more as a "suggestion" than exact number (as the example above has 6 ticks even though 4 was set) but this makes sure the ticks land on nice "round" values (2, 5, 10, 100, etc).

I still need to figure out yPadding not working in my cases (to account for the label above the bar), but that's for another day.

yea ticks are definitely tough! D3 is a little mysterious in how it calculates them. I often end up supplying a list of exact values, especially for mobile and such. Four ticks is the default in my example components no? I'll keep this issue open to track changing the argument type to the nice prop. If you sort out the padding issue, feel free to open another issue.

You default to 4 as well (maybe where I got the idea) :). I also support taking a function which takes in the scale, which is useful to calculate the ticks based on the domain min/max (time series particularly).

<AxisX ticks={(scale) => getMinorTicks(scale.domain()[0], scale.domain()[1])} />

@mhkeller if you haven't started this yet, I might be able to send you a PR tonight (or at least this week).

@techniq go for it altho if you had a second, i thought this could be a higher priority: #100

@mhkeller I've already started the nice change, and tbh, I haven't used WebGL myself (yet) :).

I'm looking to use the yNice={4} on a few visuals already so hoping to get it available soon. I should have the PR available soon (although need to leave shortly).