
OBS Project certificate is not alive

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error: Verifying a signature using certificate 4EB856707A3391E8C5CFB0549B36C042D8190918 (home:obs_mhogomchungu OBS Project <>):
  1. Certificiate 9B36C042D8190918 invalid: certificate is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-12-15T04:51:24Z
  2. Key 9B36C042D8190918 invalid: key is not alive
      because: The primary key is not live
      because: Expired on 2023-12-15T04:51:24Z
GPG key at (0xD8190918) is already installed
The GPG keys listed for the "home:obs_mhogomchungu (Fedora_39)" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.

Readd the repo to get newer key.

I see. Had to remove old key first.

sudo rpm -e "$( rpm -qa gpg-pubkey --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{SUMMARY}\n' | grep "obs_mhogomchungu" | awk '{print $1}' )"