
exp_analysis should have a method to compute weights and weights on a grid

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These chunks of code are too long and too repetitive, and should be avoided

m4_values = my_exp_analysis.df_base['m4', ''].values
mz_values = my_exp_analysis.df_base['mzprime', ''].values
df_values = np.stack([m4_values, mz_values], axis=-1)
smooth_m4, smooth_mz = 0.005, 0.05
this_kde_weights = my_exp_analysis.kde_Nd_weights(np.array([m4, mz]), df_values, smoothing=[smooth_m4, smooth_mz])

Done! We now have:

  • kde_on_a_point()
  • kde_on_a_grid()
  • kde_benchmark_grid()
  • no_scan_benchmark_grid()