
type is not what was selected

Closed this issue · 4 comments


const typePrefix = 'LOGIN';
const formAction = createFormAction(typePrefix);

const LoginForm = ({ handleSubmit, submitting }) => (
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(formAction)}>

Results to action being dispatched: {type: "@@redux-form-saga/PROMISE", payload: Object}

Hmm I think it's because I am on redux-form 6.

I'm also seeing this - I was assuming I was doing something wrong. Have I misunderstood the docs? I have my form set up pretty much the same as here/in the docs, and all i'm seeing getting dispatched is the PROMISE action. Inside the payload I can see the request object (with my form data), but the {PREFIX}_REQUEST action never gets dispatched.

package installs:

    "redux-form": "^6.2.1",
    "redux-form-saga": "0.0.8",

This is not related to the version of redux-form. @@redux-form-saga/PROMISE is internal action. You should add middleware that handle this kind of actions, without middleware nothing will work. It is not clearly stated in the README, we have to update it:

Then, to enable Redux Form Saga, add formActionSaga in your

So, you have to do following:

import { formActionSaga } from 'redux-form-saga';

const sagas = [yourFirstSaga, yourOtherSaga, ..., formActionSaga];

Thank you! That was the missing piece.

For what it's worth, this also works by adding it to the rootSaga that's already getting run:

export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield [

Yes, @afitiskin that was the missing piece. Maybe we should have it more obvious to find in the REAME?