
inherits_from: class_name option doesn't work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Good day, @mhuggins !

According to README we can use class_name option in inherits_from method. I thought that this option is given to some Rails' method. Yes, here.

But according to this line options hash is {}. And class_name option doesn't work.

All work if I change {} to @options in that line (and previously set @options = options here).

This is a bug. Am I right? Thanx.

Yep, that looks right kuraga, thanks for finding that. If you shoot me a pull request, I'll accept it. Otherwise, I'll try to make the code change tonight.

Ok, @mhuggins . Just I don't how to do it right and why all tests are green now but this options is used by them. I'll think too. Thanks for this gem and it maintaince!

No worries, I'll take a look at this as soon as I have some free time at home. I'll add a test case for it too so it doesn't regress.