
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" when initializing SpreadSheet object with given ODS file

vaxuser opened this issue · 3 comments

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" is thrown when initializing SpreadSheet object with given ODS file (SODS version 1.2.1)

Attached sods.oom.tar.gz contains the problematic ODS file and a tiny Groovy script reproducing the error.

Run Groovy script from the archive:

cd src
groovy brp-testdata-import.groovy


Caught: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
at com.github.miachm.sods.Sheet.checkLazyRowLoading(Sheet.java:306)
at com.github.miachm.sods.Sheet.getCell(Sheet.java:296)
at com.github.miachm.sods.Range.iterateRange(Range.java:624)
at com.github.miachm.sods.Range.setStyle(Range.java:718)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.processCells(OdsReader.java:413)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.processTable(OdsReader.java:279)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.processSpreadsheet(OdsReader.java:223)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.iterateFilesEntries(OdsReader.java:216)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.processContent(OdsReader.java:77)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.load(OdsReader.java:43)
at com.github.miachm.sods.OdsReader.load(OdsReader.java:35)
at com.github.miachm.sods.SpreadSheet.(SpreadSheet.java:52)
at com.github.miachm.sods.SpreadSheet.(SpreadSheet.java:39)
at brp-testdata-import.run(brp-testdata-import.groovy:4)


$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)

$ groovy -v
Groovy Version: 2.5.9 JVM: 1.8.0_201 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux

ODS file downloaded from https://www.rvig.nl/documenten/richtlijnen/2018/09/20/testdataset-persoonslijsten-proefomgevingen-gba-v

Thanks for your report.

That is a file generated by Microsoft Office. ODS files generated by Microsoft are a bit "strange". They reserve an insane quantity of rows/columns and that cause Out Of Memory errors. More details in #12

There is a non-official solution which try to work-around these issues:

A definitive solution is expected for the next release.

@miachm I confirm that the issue doesn't replay on version 1.2.2

Perfect :)