
How to Identify minimum and maximum thumb component

Ukashyap-77 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am really excited about this package, looks great!

However, when we use renderThumbComponent, the custom thumb needs any kind of identifier, if it's the minimum side thumb or the maximum side thumb, will be useful when we try to have separate custom styles for each thumb.

Applicable only in case of 2 thumb range slider

Echoing same sentiment, the above and below components are passed an index, and the value of the slider, it would be great to have those props passed into the simple "Render thumb" component as well.

In general: A note of documentation on how to use 2 thumb range sliders would be useful too. I managed to get it working with the SliderContainer code in the examples folder, but it took me a while to find and I still don't understand it 😂

Oh I see the renderThumbComponent gets the index now: 6eeda18

As of 3 days ago! haha - I will try updating and see if it works.

Update: It doesn't seem to be in v2.3.0 - If it's possible for the next release - could renderThumbComponent also receive the current value of that slider?

It was successfully published with 2.3.1.