
Property name with no modifier should yield value

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This tool is very very cool (especially the language it is written in!).

I found one thing a bit counter-intuitive, in my opinion this:

aws cloudfront update-distribution --id XXX --generate-cli-skeleton | jt DistributionConfig CacheBehaviors Items Compress

Should yield the value of the key with no additional %.

Of course, maybe there is a very good reason not to do this, in which case, I will quite happily adapt.

Thanks a lot!

Just so I understand, are you proposing that % should be appended automatically to path sequences that do not end in one?

I like it! What do you think @micha?

Yes! to get values a % seems a bit redundant imho

micha commented

Thanks for the suggestion, how do you guys feel about that commit? Does it break anything?

Looks cool! Is it released already? Just asking, I am not on my dev machine and can't build now

micha commented

I haven't pushed a release version yet, I think I'll make some tests first!