
Recipient groups: expensive counts

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I ran into an issue which is probably a non-issue for most use cases. But if you run a big website (around 100.000 entries) and make excessive usage of ENM's possibilities (especially: > 15 recipient groups, all using advanced filters), this may be rather serious!

When the field adds to the datasource ouput, it will also attempt to add a count attribute to each of the recipient groups. Depending on the filters used in each group, the corresponding MySQL query may require several table joins, e.g.:

SELECT SQL_CACHE count(DISTINCT `d`.`value`) as `count` 
    FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` 
    LEFT JOIN `sym_entries_data_371` AS t371_1 ON (e.id = t371_1.entry_id) 
    LEFT JOIN `sym_entries_data_383` AS t383_1 ON (e.id = t383_1.entry_id) 
    LEFT JOIN `sym_entries_data_512` AS `t512` ON (`e`.`id` = `t512`.entry_id) 
    LEFT JOIN sym_entries_data_359 AS `d` ON `e`.`id` = `d`.`entry_id` 
    AND ( t371_1.value IN ('yes') OR t371_1.value IS NULL ) 
    AND (t383_1.value IN ('yes')) 
    AND (`t512`.relation_id IN ('1') ) 
    AND `d`.`value` IS NOT NULL

These queries may become very expensive and slow. (And the more recipient groups you add, the worse the whole thing will become.)

A a quick fix I commented two lines in field.email_newsletter_manager.php, so I am fine now. (I don't desperately need the counts, although they were "comfortable".)

My question is: What should we do?

  • A: Don't do anything. Only crazy people with crazy websites will experience this, and they may apply the above hack.
  • B: Think about a configuration option for group counts. (I don't know how to implement this, so I'd probably need help.)
  • C: Attempt to make these counts run much more effective. (I have no idea if or how this could be done.)

He, looking at this query I wonder why there is no WHERE. Could it be that this is the issue here?

Wow, indeed, that seems to be the issue. :-)

I will push a fix (which adds WHERE 1 to the query), "as usual".

Ha, I fixed it! @creativedutchmen: The next bug is yours! :-)

Oh shit. Can't believe I missed that one... Thanks!

It must have been like that since version 0.0.1. :-))