
Premature "end" of newsletter

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I don't expect this to be solved soon or even researched properly, but nevertheless I will track the issue.

I had some problems with ENM prematurely marking a newsletter as "completed", sometimes after just a few emails, sometimes after a few thousand. Digging deeper I noticed that every time this happend there were invalid email addresses. Unfortunately I didn't properly document everything (because I was a bit stressed when this special, important newsletter broke). But I did notice that the recipients data contained really terrible addresses like . (really!), 0 or “somebody@example.com (mind the leading quote). Finally I wrote a small PHP script to remove all the invalid addresses from the recipients list. Everything worked then, the ENM sending more than 12,000 emails reliably again.

If somebody has an idea why such terrible addresses could fool the ENM to mark a newsletter as completed, I am all ears, of course.