
Content Scraper and Opinion Interpreter of Influencer Social Media

Opened this issue · 3 comments

We want to develop a content scrapper for a social Media platform for analyzing content of an account aka Influencer
Moritz Müller
Felix Hüsgen
Lennard Fertig
Michael Rainko
Yannik Hubrich

content regelmäßig ziehen --> textanalyse mit profiling

aktuell: EU anhaltslose Komplettüberwachung & Profiling aller Bürger...

transactions of the weak shall be private
transactions of the powerful shall be public

What do we need?


  • Sentiment --> Positive/ Negative
  • Fake News not Fake News --> Trustworthiness of Account
  • Word Cloud
  • Hot Topic
  • Political View
  • Emotion Sentiment --> Angry, Anxiety, Neutral
  • Aktivität, wann, wie oft tweetet der Account (evtl. Bot Detection)

Dead Line

The project is uploaded in github --> https://github.com/LennartFertig/Twitter_Content_Scraper
If there are any questions contact us via telegram or mail yannik@gridscale.io