
Python3_jupyter not working

RaphaelNeubert opened this issue · 3 comments

Sniprun works fine with Python3_original.
When i use Python3_jupyter sniprun never returns anything after running it on trivial lines.

:checkhealth sniprun shows no issues
jupyter-kernel and jupyter-console are installed.

The log located at ~/.cache/sniprun/sniprun.log shows a rust error:

[00:00:00.000] (5555563da940) INFO   [MAIN] SnipRun launched successfully
[00:00:00.000] (5555563da940) INFO   [MAIN] Start of main event loop
[00:00:00.000] (5555563da940) INFO   EVENT 1 RECEIVED ##################
[00:00:00.000] (5555563da940) INFO   [MAINLOOP] Run command received
[00:00:00.000] (5555563da940) INFO   [RUN] clone event handler
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [RUN] spawned thread
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got back eventual interpreter data
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   values length: 4
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   cli arguments are not a string: String(Utf8String { s: Ok("") })
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   got data range: [1, 2]
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key sniprun_root_dir
[00:00:00.001] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got sniprun root
[00:00:00.004] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   nvimcwd as value: nvim_cwd: String(Utf8String { s: Ok("/home/raphael/fun/ml/tests") })
[00:00:00.004] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got neovim's current directory: /home/raphael/fun/ml/tests
[00:00:00.005] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got filetype
[00:00:00.006] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got current_line
[00:00:00.009] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got current_bloc
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got filepath
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got nvim_instance
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key selected_interpreters
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got selected interpreters
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key repl_enable
[00:00:00.010] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got repl enabled interpreters
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key repl_disable
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got repl disabled interpreters
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key display
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] display type found : Ok(Classic(Both))
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] display type found : Ok(VirtualText(OnlyOk))
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got display types
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key show_no_output
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] display type with 'no output'on found : Ok(Classic(Both))
[00:00:00.011] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] display type with 'no output'on found : Ok(TempFloatingWindow(Both))
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got show_no_output
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key inline_messages
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got inline_messages setting
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   looped on key neovim_pid
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] got neovim_pid value setting: 3401
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [FILLDATA] Done!
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [OVERRIDE] No data to override
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [RUN] filled dataholder
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [RUN] created launcher
[00:00:00.012] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Ruby_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Haskell_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Neorg_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'JS_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Ada_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'R_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'TypeScript_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Go_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Generic' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'D_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.013] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Lua_nvim' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'CSharp_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'OrgMode_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Http_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Elixir_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Prolog_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'FSharp_fifo' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'JS_TS_deno' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'C_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Julia_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.014] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Lua_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Julia_jupyter' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Cpp_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'CS_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Scala_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Java_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Sage_fifo' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Clojure_fifo' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Mathematica_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Bash_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'Rust_original' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   key 'OCaml_fifo' not found in interpreter option
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   selected Python3_jupyter
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   [LAUNCHER] Selected interpreter: Python3_jupyter, at level Selected
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   Checking cli-args: []
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   REPL enabled
[00:00:00.015] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   got real nvim isntance
[00:00:00.017] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   got buffer
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   got lines in buffer
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   lines are : ["a = 5 ", "print(a)"]
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   import founds : ""
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   reading previous code
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   found interpreter_data
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   Initialized kernel
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   reading previous code
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   found interpreter_data
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   reading previous code
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   found interpreter_data
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   code saved: 

[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   begins add boilerplate repl
[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   command written to launcher:
echo 'exec(open("/home/raphael/.cache/sniprun/python3_jupyter/main.py").read())' | jupyter-console --existing /home/raphael/.cache/sniprun/python3_jupyter/kernel_sniprun.json --simple-prompt -y  --no-confirm --ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.banner="" --Application.log_level=0

[00:00:00.018] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   json kernel file exists yet? false
[00:00:00.410] (7f95fa5fd700) INFO   result: []
[00:00:00.418] (7f95fa5fd700) ERROR  thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'removal index (is 18446744073709551615) should be < len (is 0)': src/interpreters/Python3_jupyter.rs:344
   0: <backtrace::capture::Backtrace as core::default::Default>::default
   1: log_panics::Config::install_panic_hook::{{closure}}
   2: <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::Fn<Args>>::call
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/alloc/src/boxed.rs:2007:9
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/std/src/panicking.rs:709:13
   3: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/std/src/panicking.rs:597:13
   4: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/std/src/sys_common/backtrace.rs:151:18
   5: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/std/src/panicking.rs:593:5
   6: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/core/src/panicking.rs:67:14
   7: alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::remove::assert_failed
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/alloc/src/vec/mod.rs:1502:13
   8: <sniprun::interpreters::Python3_jupyter as sniprun::interpreter::ReplLikeInterpreter>::execute_repl
   9: sniprun::interpreter::Interpreter::run
  10: sniprun::launcher::Launcher::select_and_run
  11: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace
  12: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}
  13: <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/alloc/src/boxed.rs:1993:9
      <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/alloc/src/boxed.rs:1993:9
             at /rustc/d5c2e9c342b358556da91d61ed4133f6f50fc0c3/library/std/src/sys/unix/thread.rs:108:17
  14: start_thread
             at /build/glibc-SzIz7B/glibc-2.31/nptl/pthread_create.c:477:8
  15: clone

I appreciate any help


I could (surprisingly) reproduce your issue, and seeing where it comes from, I guess you're the first user to try out Python3_jupyter for a looong time. (It was somewhat forsaken).

I have included the fix on the 'dev' branch (which you can try right now but then need to compile it, thus need Rust on your PC). You can also wait for the next v1.3.8 release, which will land in a couple days at most

For the sake on going in-depth:

Probably some debugging behavior from the last user who asked me to debug a very peculiar race condition... I now completely ignore my previous comment on the matter:

/// In theory, is a good idea, but somehow doesn't work

and reinstate the "wait that the jupyter kernel is ready" step that made everything work

Also, a loglevel meaning changed in jupyter-console (thanks jupyter devs) so my output was garbage for some time

merged and released in v1.3.8

Thank you very much, i will check it out once i get back home.