Lua-original used for code containing `vim`
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
Same as title
To Reproduce
- copy this code sample:
---@generic TResult
---@return TResult[]
---@param iterator fun(self: any? ): fun(): TResult
---@param source any?
local function collect(iterator, source)
local ret = {}
for element in iterator(source) do
table.insert(ret, element)
return ret
---collect all children of a node recursively
---it's a bad practice, but I just leave it here for now. may be fix it in the future...
---@param node TSNode
---@return TSNode[]
local function collect_node_rec(node)
local current_level = collect(node.iter_children, node)
local ret = {}
for _, child in ipairs(current_level) do
if child:child_count() > 0 then
ret = vim.tbl_extend("error", ret, collect_node_rec(child))
table.insert(ret, child)
return ret
local foo = vim.treesitter.get_string_parser("var foo = string.Empty;", "c_sharp"):parse(true)[1]:root()
vim.print(#collect_node_rec(foo)) -- <-- error here
- select all, then run it with sniprun.
- error occurs.
- however a simple snip like
just works.
- NVIM v0.10.1
- ArchWSL
machine = "x86_64",
release = "",
sysname = "Linux",
version = "#1 SMP Fri Mar 29 23:14:13 UTC 2024"
Hmm yeah, the tomfoolery between Lua_original and Lua_nvim was originally intended to prevent unexpected failures for small snippets (trying vim.print, and trying native lua code that could behave differently in nvim).
The cause of the issue here is probably that the snippet produced an error also in the Lua_nvim interpreter, which disqualified it as a fallback, and returned the original error instead.
The solution for you is probably to add "Lua_nvim" to your configuration (the selected_interpreters
key), to force the use of Lua_nvim for every lua snippet
The solution for me is to communicate more effectively what happened when such fallbacks occur, especially when they're not successfull.