Missing zld.zip file for 1.2.1 release
kurrak opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi @michaeleisel,
I just wanted to create pull request in your https://github.com/michaeleisel/homebrew-zld/ to update brew formula to match most recent 1.2.1 release with fix for Xcode 12.2, but I realised I can't do this since there is not zld.zip asset added for 1.2.1 release.
I wonder if it's something that you don't intent to provide anymore for future releases and I should work on creating formula that builds zld from source. This is first time I do anything with brew formulas so I just wanted to ask before moving on.
Thanks much,
Thanks for looking into this. Going forwards, it’s just built from source, so you could do that in the formula
Hi guys,
I updated the tap repo, this is my first encounter with the brew (previously I was just a happy user).
It is a pull requests: michaeleisel/homebrew-zld#1