.NET version?
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I'd be keen to put a C# version of this out. Would you prefer I did it as a completely separate implementation, or part of this scythe repo?
Would be great to have it in the repo. Have you considered just adding a C# probe and running the Ruby version? Too weird?
Light-weight in what sense?
Assuming this is your overarching optimising goal:
Scythe is a light-weight tool for detecting dead and infrequently used code in production.
I'm thinking some people might have an issue putting Ruby into prod on a .NET architecture - or at least having to jump through some hoops to make it happen. Which would fail the 'light-weight' heuristic. Am I overthinking it?
instead of installing Ruby, PowerShell to the rescue:
Get-ChildItem | select Name, @{Name="Multiple Uses";Expression={$_.CreationTime -ne $_.LastWriteTime}} | ft
@KevinT Not sure if you still need it - Here is my attempt to adapt the Scythe concept in C# - https://github.com/kritulrathod/Scythe
Hope that helps.