fullstack_challenge README

If this is your first project using python or virtualenv, follow the instructions in docs/setup.rst before continuing.

Install Project Dependencies

NOTE: This project uses Python 3 instead of Python 2.7, which may need to be installed before you can continue. Please follow the instructions in docs/setup.rst to install Python 3.

Create a virtualenv for the project:

$ mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) fullstack_challenge

You should see '(fullstack_challenge)' added to the beginning of your Terminal input line, which indicates the 'fullstack_challenge' virtualenv is activated.

If not, activate the virtualenv. This virtualenv must be activated whenever you work on the project:

$ workon fullstack_challenge

Clone the project via git

Change to the root directory:

$ cd fullstack_challenge

Install dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Install bower dependencies (node and bower must be installed first):

$ bower install

Install npm dependencies (node and npm must be installed first):

$ npm install

Setup the database

Defaults to sqllite:

$ ./manage.py migrate

Create a superuser (optional)

You will use the username and password you create in this step to login to the admin at localhost:3000/admin/:

$ ./manage.py createsuperuser

Run The Server

From fullstack_challenge:

$ ./manage.py server

Your browser should open automatically to localhost:3000

Run these commands whenever you pull changes:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
$ ./manage.py migrate
$ ./manage.py server

If you prefer to run the gulp server separate from the Django backend server, open 2 Terminal windows at the root of the project. Run Django server in the first window:

$ ./manage.py runserver

Then run the gulp server in the second window:

$ gulp