
Support PCL-XL

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Hello. Is there any plan to upgrade this code with support to PCL-XL?
I need to develop a software to extract information like Media Size, Number of Pages, Page Orientation from a raw print file (.PRN) and I'm really lost about how to parse the PCL-XL stream data. Is there any way I can contact you, or something like this, so maybe you can give some ideas, or at least point me to the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

Hi, no... I have no plans for this. PCL-XL is a completely different format so it would not "fit" in this project. You can find some information on PCL-XL on http://www.undocprint.org/formats/page_description_languages/pcl_xl

For an idea "how to parse" you might want to have look on https://github.com/michaelknigge/pclparaphernalia

Since Java and C# are synactically not that different I think you'll have no problems understanding the code...

Sorry.. But this library is more or less "feature complete" so I currently don't plan more features... Sorry...

Hope it helped,