
Add flag to limit name/classname string generation

Krzysztof-Bednarczyk opened this issue · 0 comments

My current setup in .mocharrc.yml looks like so:

reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter'
  - 'mochaFile=./test-reports/api-test-results.xml'
  - 'testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName=true'
  - './test/api/*.js'

Currently, the name property is generated from the it block string, which is good but the classname property is a concatination of describe + it block strings.
Therefore my Azure Pipeline test reports look strange:

Describe block string
- it block string
 Describe block string
- it block string

If You could add a configuration option property so I could limit the name/classname property to only the describe block my reports would look more concise in Azure.

Describe block string
- it block string
- it block string

@michaelleeallen - can I ask You to add such a feature?