- Python3
- virtualenv
# Setup python virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv --python=python3
$ source venv/bin/activate
# Install python dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python main.py --train data/trainBBC.csv --test data/testBBC.csv
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS]
--train TEXT Path to dataset to train the model. [required]
--test TEXT Path to dataset to test the model. [required]
--evaluate TEXT Path to dataset to evaluate the model.
--epoch INTEGER Number of training iterations, default to 3.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ python error_analysis.py output/output_testBBC.csv
Usage: error_analysis.py [OPTIONS] OUTPUT
Produce metrics and figures for error analysis.
--help Show this message and exit.
The classifier uses k-fold cross-validation to find the best model. Each iteration the program prints out the range of validation dataset and training dataset, along with the validation accuracy.
The final output consists of total number of test cases, testing accruacy and average training (validation) accuracy.
The output below can be interpreted as in the third iteration, within the training documents, documents from index 446
to 667
are used as validation dataset, and documents with index 0-222
and 223-445
are used as training dataset.
Validation fold: 446-667, Training fold: 0-222,223-445
Iteration: 3, Validation Accuracy: 94.595%
The script prints out the confusion matrix and precision/recall/f-score table.
- Yonael Bekele
- Michael Lin