
exec: "docker-civicrm-entrypoint": executable file not found in $PATH during docker-compose up

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I'm running into an issue with the Docker Hub published michaelmcandrew/civicrm-buildkit image. I believe it's the latest published image from 2 hours ago since I ran docker-compose pull quite recently.

Creating network "crm_default" with the default driver
Creating crm_mysql_1 ...
Creating crm_mysql_1 ... done                                                                                           Creating crm_civicrm_1 ...
Creating crm_civicrm_1 ... error                                                                                        
ERROR: for crm_civicrm_1  Cannot start service civicrm: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"docker-civicrm-entrypoint\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

ERROR: for civicrm  Cannot start service civicrm: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"docker-civicrm-entrypoint\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Is the entrypoint file chmod +x'd? I didn't notice a line to do that in the Dockerfile.

In the custom build PHP 7.3 Dockerfile, I added a RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-civicrm-entrypoint line near the end of the file after the entrypoint script was copied into the image. This seemed to resolve the issue and allowed me to run the container.

@lediur - thanks for investigating and for the fix!

I've updated the repo here: 55a202b and will start the build process again. If you were able to test the php7.3 image in a few hours time to make sure that the fix has found its way into the final build, that would be ace.

Yep, confirmed that I was able to docker-compose up the pulled image. Thanks for the fix!

great - thanks!