
Comparison / compatibility with Krohnkite

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Hi Mike,

I'm just starting out with KWin customization and would appreciate your insight.

I saw you recommending Krohnkite in the reddit thread announcing this script; can Krohnkite itself resize multiple tiles simultaneously?

Or can Quick-Tile-Enhancements work independently of Quick-Tile, and add the same functionality alongside Krohnkite?

Ideally I would like to use a keyboard shortcut to resize tiles simultaneously. Are Krohnkite and Quick Tile equally suitable starting points for this?


Well I'll respond to myself in case any future noobs stumble upon this:

  1. I was confused by the fact that there is a Kwin Script called Quick Tile 2 in addition to Kwin's built-in Quick Tile feature. This script enhances the built in feature and doesn't need the Quick Tile 2 script.

  2. KWin has an option to set a Resize Window keyboard shortcut right under the options to set shortcuts for Quick Tiling 😅
    Quick Tiling Enhancements does resize other windows if the resize shortcut is used to move a shared border.
    By default the Kwin shortcut only moves the bottom-right corner, it does not "grow" the window upwards or to the left.

Haven't tried Krohnkite yet, but it looks worth trying another day.