
Footer behavior from older version

ldesrosiers opened this issue · 1 comments

We are moving from Unix to Windows and upgrading to newer version of HTMLDOC.

Currently we have 1.8.27 in Unix and are moving to 1.9.12 with Windows.

In version 1.8.27, when we have an image in the Center Footer, the image would display actual size.

With 1.9.12, this same image in Footer is showing very small.

I believe this was a bug fix somewhere to fix the Header/Footer scaling.

Is there anyway to get the footer to behave as it did in 1.8.27?

Thank you.

Sorry, this was an intentional bug fix in v1.8.30, which was released a very long time ago.

However, issue #372 introduced a new "letterhead" image format (big 'L' in the --header/--footer option value or $LETTERHEAD in header/footer comments in the HTML) that probably does what you want.