
Knowledge Required

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Please explain how you are handling sub-domain working. I checked this code block but I need a little bit context about it. Like how you are handling all the working of sub-domain creation.

const { data, error } = await supabase
          user_id: userId,
          site_subdomain: site_subdomain.toLowerCase(),

This stores the site information in the database. The database schema for sites is setup that only unique subdomains can be inserted, so if u trying to create a site with an already existing subdomain it will not allow it.

Once the subdomain is inserted in the db, all the redirect and url rewriting is done in the middleware

I think you are talking about this? Wow, great idea. I was wondering how you are creating sub-domains for so many users. Applause 👏

  if (tenantSubdomain) {
    return NextResponse.rewrite(
      new URL(`/${tenantSubdomain}${pathname}`, req.url)

  // Rewrite the URL to the tenant-specific path
  return NextResponse.rewrite(
    new URL(tenantSubdomain === "/" ? "" : `tsafi.xyz`, req.url)