
The window-placement working on localhost but not working on the non-localhost site

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I've tried with the demo. It's working perfectly fine on the localhost.
It's not working on the non-localhost host environment with the below error

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 12 05 00 AM

I found out that the below check with the given screen

if (!('getScreens' in self) || !('isExtended' in screen) || !('onchange' in screen)) {
      showWarning("Please use Chrome 93+ to demo new multi-screen features");

Do you have any solution to make it work in the non-localhost environment?


It's my bad without registering the host via https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/registration.
It's working fine after updating the origin token.


I'm glad you found the answer yourself, thanks for trying the API and my demo!