
Data Does Not Refresh Even Though Manual Run of "diagnostics" Command Succeeds

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Manually running the "diagnostics" command succeeds as seen in the onstar2mqtt log, but the data is not actually refreshed by onstar2mqtt. The only way to force a refresh successfully is to restart onstar2mqtt.

This seems to be similar to what is mentioned in #225 (comment) although I am not seeing any errors as mentioned in that thread in the case where the command actually succeeds.

The only (on-demand) command that is synchronous is the location command. As long as the response comes back from the API it should be easy to integrate the response handler for diagnostics too.

Neither command actually publishes an mqtt message for me. They both get "Command response data", but they don't actually do anything.

Neither command actually publishes an mqtt message for me. They both get "Command response data", but they don't actually do anything.

@charliesoap4 You probably hit this issue I reported earlier today regarding the failure to update the location - #238 (comment)

Closing as related bug was fixed.