
Status 500 - Internal Server Error

Closed this issue · 9 comments


Installed your image a few days ago and set it up in a docker image. Been running flawlessly on my 2022 GMC Acadia. I am able to start, lock/unlock doors, show tire pressures, etc..

That is until today. I tried to start my vehicle using my Home Assistant dashboard script (like always) and noticed a few minutes later that it didn't start. I am seeing the following message after running the docker container (I have removed my personal details and VIN #):

info: OnStar Config {"onstarConfig":{"allowCommands":true,"checkRequestStatus":true,"deviceId":"v4 UUID","onStarPin":"XXXX","password":"XXXXX","refreshInterval":1800000,"username":"user email","vin":"VIN NUMBER"}}
info: MQTT Config {"mqttConfig":{"host":"","namePrefix":"","password":"mqtt_password","port":1883,"prefix":"homeassistant","tls":false,"username":"mqtt_user"}}
info: Requesting vehicles
info: Vehicle request status {"status":"success"}
info: Connecting to MQTT {"config":{"username":"mqtt_user","will":{"payload":"false","retain":true,"topic":"homeassistant/VIN NUMBER/available"}},"url":"mqtt://"}
info: Connected to MQTT
info: Subscribed to command topic {"topic":"homeassistant/VIN NUMBER/command"}
info: Requesting diagnostics
error: Error {"error":{"message":"Request Failed with status 500 - Internal Server Error","request":{"_closed":true,"_contentLength":383,"_defaultKeepAlive":true,"_ended":true,"_events":{},"_eventsCount":7,"_hasBody":true,"_header":"POST /api/v1/oauth/token/upgrade HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: application/json\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nAccept-Language: en-US\r\nHost: api.gm.com\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: br, gzip, deflate\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; en-US; Google Pixel 2 Build/PI)\r\nAuthorization: Bearer

The last line is way longer, that is just a portion of it. I don;t see any other logs to look at. I completely re-created the docker container image and get the same results.

I'm at a loss. Any ideas to try?



Ditto. Looking like maybe GM is blocking this access method yet again. ☹️

Same here. It started not responding to lock/unlock/start commands a couple weeks ago with me, but was still getting diagnostics. Now nothing and the same error as you.

Opened samrum/OnStarJS#211 since any fixes/workarounds would need to happen there.

Things seem to be working again as of this morning.

Doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment. I tried doubling the command timeout but still not receiving a diagnostics response.

Now I'm getting "403 - Forbidden" vs. the 500.

Things seem to be working again. 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, now everything is working better than it was before for me. All the other commands are now working as well.

There's an updated terms of service that the app asks you to agree/deny. I'm not sure if that has to do anything with the failures reported. Obviously this project is a big no no: https://omnibus.gm.com/legal/contents/US/eula_default.pdf