
Bug from Last Update to index.js and Proposed Fix

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I found a bug from your last update to index.js in commit ad3f292 which prevents the location data from being published to MQTT. I was able to fix the issue by changing the following code from (Note items showing **xx**):

const commandFn = cmd.bind(commands);
        logger.info('Command sent', {command});
        commandFn(options || {})
            .then(data => {
                // TODO refactor the response handling for commands
                logger.info('Command completed', {command});
                **data** = _.get(data, 'response.data');
                if (**data**) {
                    logger.info('Command response data', {**data**});
                    const location = _.get(data, 'response.data.commandResponse.body.location');
                    if (location) {
                        const topic = mqttHA.getStateTopic({name: command});
                        // TODO create device_tracker entity. MQTT device tracker doesn't support lat/lon and mqtt_json
                        // doesn't have discovery
                            JSON.stringify({latitude: location.lat, longitude: location.long}), {retain: true})
                            .then(() => logger.info('Published location to topic.', {topic}));


const commandFn = cmd.bind(commands);
        logger.info('Command sent', { command });
        commandFn(options || {})
            .then(data => {
                // TODO refactor the response handling for commands
                logger.info('Command completed', { command });
                **const responseData** = _.get(data, 'response.data');
                if (**responseData**) {
                    logger.info('Command response data', { **responseData** });
                    const location = _.get(data, 'response.data.commandResponse.body.location');
                    if (location) {
                        const topic = mqttHA.getStateTopic({ name: command });
                        // TODO create device_tracker entity. MQTT device tracker doesn't support lat/lon and mqtt_json
                        // doesn't have discovery
                            JSON.stringify({ latitude: location.lat, longitude: location.long }), { retain: true })
                            .then(() => logger.info('Published location to topic.', { topic }));

Merged the above fix and pushed 1.5.4. Please confirm, I no longer have the OnStar package for commands on my car.