Teamspeak Crash On Push-To-Talk
Coryf88 opened this issue · 0 comments
Arma 3 Version: 1.98
CBA Version: 3.15.1
Task Force Radio Version: 1.-1.0.325
@Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)
Our Arma group recently, Saturday, started having issues with Teamspeak crashing. It seems to affect most, if not all, of the players. The crash didn't create a dump in Teamspeak's crashdumps
. I was able to replicate the crash alone in Eden multiplayer, with a debugger attached to Teamspeak, running only CBA and TFAR.
Steps to reproduce:
- Push-to-talk in-game.
I have had difficulties reproducing it at times and haven't been able to pinpoint the exact conditions needed for the crash to occur. Hopefully the dump will be of more use.
Where did the issue occur?
- Dedicated / Editor (Multiplayer)
I wasn't able to locate a PDB to try to debug it myself. The artifacts on the CI have expired and I'm not able to check TFAR's Discord, due to being banned for an unknown reason.