The radio in the game changes frequencies
Dyadka941 opened this issue · 1 comments
Arma 3 Version: 2.00
(stable / rc / dev)
CBA Version: 3.15.1
(stable / dev + commit hash)
Task Force Radio Version: 0.9.12
(stable / dev + commit hash)
- @CBA_A3
- @task_force_radio
- When playing on the server, it combines two radios into one. When one fighter switches channels on the radio and also switches on another fighter.When playing on the server, it combines two radios into one. When one fighter switches channels on the walkie-talkie and also switches on another fighter. We thought that the CBA version had tried everything, but the error is the same.
Steps to reproduce:
Check for updates and conflicting mods
Where did the issue occur?
- Editor (Multiplayer)
When a TFAR radio is placed in a fighter's inventory, a generic one is placed. When the game starts, TFAR looks for generic radios and then swaps them with a unique radio (with an ID appended to it). This is how it's able to figure out who's talking on what radio and where it is.
The issue you're describing sounds like the two fighters have the same ID. This can happen if their loadout was copy-pasted or exported from an in-game arsenal (as opposed to the editor).