
Side Default Radio for Independent uses the wrong str() value

indig0fox opened this issue · 5 comments

str(independent) in TFAR_fnc_getSideRadio returns "GUER", however the init variables from TFAR create "TFAR_DefaultRadio_Personal_Independent", causing retrieval of these variables based on string interpolation to fail. This requires compensation code to work around.

missionNamespace setVariable [
missionNamespace setVariable [

private _result = "";
switch (_radioType) do {
case 0: {
_result = missionNamespace getVariable format["TFAR_DefaultRadio_%1_%2","Backpack",_side];
case 1: {
_result = missionNamespace getVariable format["TFAR_DefaultRadio_%1_%2","Personal",_side];
case 2: {
_result = missionNamespace getVariable format["TFAR_DefaultRadio_%1_%2","Rifleman",_side];

oh wow, that might be a pretty old/big bug there if that also happens in the encryption code place

oh wow, that might be a pretty old/big bug there if that also happens in the encryption code place

Wait would this be the cause of encryption codes randomly breaking for random people?

If that get variable fails, you may get no/broken encryption codes

Well if that's the case I will start turning on encryption on my servers after this bug is fixed.

@indig0fox So I talked to Dedmen on discord and he said that he doesn't have time to implement this. If you can would you be able to make a pull request so Dedmen can merge your changes? IF not I'd be more than happy to help, but my skills are comparible to a novice.