Can't get LSFM model!!!
yy2yy opened this issue · 6 comments
Hello, i need the all_all_all.mat and lsfm_exp_30.dat, but access this link and make the request, i still don't get it. Could you kindly share it? Thank you very much!
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, we are not able to share the LSFM model files, due to licensing issues. I would suggest using an alternative 3DMM.
I also can't download LSFM. I registered for a license at this link, but I was not able to download the files.
It looks like the files is now private.
I have the 3DMM file, how can I replace it?
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, we are not able to share the LSFM model files, due to licensing issues. I would suggest using an alternative 3DMM.
How to use the 3DMM replace LSFM?
Great work, but LSFM is a non-starter, as it's impossible for anyone to reproduce this due to the difficulty in obtaining the models. How can we use another 3DMM? Any suggestions?
Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, we are not able to share the LSFM model files, due to licensing issues. I would suggest using an alternative 3DMM.
Thank you for your work greatly. Can I replace LSFM with BFM2009?
@michaildoukas , also hope you guys can provide some method to use 3dmm instead of LSFM since it not convenient to obtain, thanks~