
This project contains completed exercises from the "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming" course by Al Sweigart, covering a variety of Python topics and techniques for automating everyday tasks

Primary LanguagePython


Here are all of the exercises I've done as going through 🔗 Automate the boring stuff with Python Programming from 🔗 Al Sweigart.

🔧 Language: Python 3.7

☑️ Python basics
☑️ Flow Control
☑️ Functions
☑️ Handling errors with try/except
☑️ Writing a Complete Program: Guess the Number
☑️ Lists
☑️ Dictionaries
☑️ More about Strings
☑️ Running programs from the command line
☑️ Regular Expressions
☑️ Files
☑️ Debugging
☑️ Web scraping
☑️ Excel, Word, and PDF documents
☑️ Email
☑️ GUI automation