
Downsample to 8Khz

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi. Thank you so much for this, it is a great tool. I noticed the minimum sample rate is 22050. Is it possible to change it and make it as low as 8000?
If yes, can you guide toward how I can achieve this. Thank you very much!

Yes, you can achieve this simply by calling:


You can also test such configuration thorough the demo page: http://michalstocki.github.io/FlashWavRecorder/html/

There is a mistake in documentation:

Currently we only support 44 and 22.

Thanks, but it doesn't work.
I checked the file with ffmpeg -i filename.wav , and it's 22.

Ok. It seems that the frequencies lower than 22kHz are supported only for playback. Before export to .wav file, the recording is always approximated to 22 or 44kHz.
The issue is quite complex. I think it's possible to achieve but earlier I should split the whole horrible MicrophoneRecorder into smaller pieces. I'm a contributor of this library only recently, but the major part of the code base is quite aged 🏰, so I would need a lot of time to do this.

It's ok then. No problems :), thanks for the help anyway.