Feature request: Tradfri integration (color change)
sverrevh opened this issue · 5 comments
sverrevh commented
Can you integrate pimatic-hap with pimatic-tradfri the new Ikea lamps?
michbeck100 commented
If you check out the latest commit from #73 then you got it. After I'm back from vacation I will create another release.
sverrevh commented
sverrevh commented
Would it be possible to also integrate this, so we can also change color?
michbeck100 commented
Please raise an feature request at https://github.com/treban/pimatic-tradfri, since changing colors must be implemented here first.
michbeck100 commented
@sverrevh Is this still an issue for you? Since tradfri integrates HomeKit already you can use it directly without the workaround in pimatic-hap.