
add raspbee lights to the supported template list

Closed this issue · 25 comments


add the device templates from the pimatic-raspbee plugin to the knownTemplates list

00lex commented

I'd appreciate it if that happened.
thank you

@treban did you check if the rasbpee plugin works if enabled?

No. I'm not using the Hap-Plugin. Because I don't have iOS. But I will test it next week with a device.

00lex commented

If you run MacOS Mojave, you can use HomeKit too

00lex commented

any progress?

@00lex Not yet, but you could do me a favour and add these templates to the supported templates list:

      'raspbee-dimmer': DimmerAccessory
      'raspbee-ct': DimmerAccessory
      'raspbee-rgb': DimmerAccessory

Just add these lines at https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-hap/blob/master/hap.coffee#L60, restart pimatic and see if you can switch and dim your lights.

Please report back if the plugin works, then I will add them to the list "officially"

00lex commented

Yes! Now I can see the bulbs in HomeKit but I can only switch them and change the brightness.
not the color

Thats because they are just a DimmerAccessory. Since every plugin for coloured bulbs does the color calculation differently, I just added them as dimmers for now. I will check pimatic-raspbee can support more

BTW: All devices with type RaspBeeSwitch should work OOB as switches

00lex commented

Thats because they are just a DimmerAccessory. Since every plugin for coloured bulbs does the color calculation differently, I just added them as dimmers for now. I will check pimatic-raspbee can support more

I know. until them I will use hue-zll plugin for bulbs which doesn't get an update since 2 years. for the moment its okay but I think raspbee is the future for a zigbee environment and pimatic.
if I can do something, say it. thank you for feedback

i will implement two new functions on the raspbee side so the
HueLightAccessory could be used for RGB

I have many different zigbee devices. Maybe I can do some tests if the changes are implemented.

If you know how to install the latest master you can go ahead and test. Changes were implemented with b4e6efa. RGB lights will be next once @treban is ready.


the new raspbee version 0.1.0-beta.1 supports now HAP Integration with RGB capabilities
(and some more nice features) readme
maybe you can test it?

please install the beta from plugin-rasbpee and change the accessory for raspbee-rgb
manual install
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm pimatic-pluginname
inside your pimatic-app directory.

'raspbee-dimmer': DimmerAccessory
'raspbee-ct': DimmerAccessory
'raspbee-rgb': HueLightAccessory

@scobby the raspbee plugin is released in version 0.1.0 now. Did you test if the HueLightAccessory works for you?

00lex commented

The result is the same as with 'raspbee-rgb': DimmerAccessory

  • white hue bulbs are 100% compatible
  • ambient white ist available, but without support for color temperature
  • color bulbs doesn't show up in HomeKit

@00lex Make sure to restart pimatic. Maybe you even have to import your devices in the homekit app again. You could test this by creating a testing home first.

00lex commented

got it! the discovery doesn't work correct. the auto recognition for color bulbs and light stripes recognizes RGBCT and it doesnt work show up in HomeKit. if I change Raspbee-RGBCT to Raspbee-RGB it works both kind of lights show up with full support :)

now we just need a fix for ambient-white bulbs

I guess that's because the template name of Raspbee-RGBCT is raspbee-rgbct and not 'raspbee-rgb'. see https://github.com/treban/pimatic-raspbee/blob/master/raspbee.coffee#L1187

The Raspbee-RGBCT device might work too, just try to add another row with 'raspbee-rgbct': HueLightAccessory at https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-hap/blob/master/hap.coffee#L60

00lex commented

gesagt, getan. the solution was obvious.
now with additional 'raspbee-rgbct': HueLightAccessory color things work.

the only open point is color temperature of ambient white bulbs. its not a big thing for me

00lex commented

can you give me a hint how to set a color with rgbct?
with hue-zll I wrote set color of Paradieslicht to hue 12.85 sat 55

i don't understand why. the variables are nearly same:
Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-15 um 18 14 02

Not sure where you wrote that. I you are talking about the pimatic rules section, than you have to ask the developer of pimatic-raspbee (which is @treban I think)

00lex commented

my rule is with hue-zll:
if PIR-x is present then set color of Paradieslicht to hue 12.85 sat 55
and I don't know how to translate this to raspbee. I will ask him. i've already bothered him enough :)

Closing this as support was released with 0.12.0