
Documentation unclear about `useETag`

cortinico opened this issue · 2 comments

I believe the documentation is a bit unclear around useETag. From the README:

Use this flag in combination with onlyIfModified. If both flags are true, the plugin will check a file’s timestamp as well as its entity tag (ETag) and only download it if it has been modified on the server since the last download. The plugin can differentiate between strong and weak ETags.

Note that under the onlyIfModified documentation it's specified:

Note that this feature depends on the server and whether it supports the If-Modified-Since request header and provides a Last-Modified timestamp in its response.

What is unclear is what happens if server supports ETag but not Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers.

Nice catch! Thanks for spotting this!

Actually, for the example, the statement was correct. Nevertheless, I can understand that it might be misleading. I improved the wording. Let me know if it's still confusing.

Yup thanks for clarifying 👍