
Stage 1 checklist

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Forked from JeremieLitzler/mws-restaurant-stage-1#11

Restaurant Reviews: Stage 1

Responsive Design

  • Is the site UI compatible with a range of display sizes?
    • All content is responsive and displays on a range of display sizes.
    • Content should make use of available screen real estate and should display correctly at all screen sizes.
    • An image's associated title and text renders next to the image in all viewport sizes.
  • Are images responsive?
    • Images in the site are sized appropriate to the viewport and do not crowd or overlap other elements in the browser, regardless of viewport size.
      • on the index.html (using 128px wide images with similar render on different layouts)
      • on the restaurant.html
        • 360px wide (smartphone + small desktop)
        • 480px wide (tablet+ medium desktop)
        • 800px wide (large desktop)
    • Are application elements visible and usable in all viewports?
    • On the main page, restaurants and images are displayed in all viewports.
    • The detail page includes a map, hours and reviews in all viewports.


  • Are images accessible?
    • All content-related images include appropriate alternate text that clearly describes the content of the image.
  • Is focus used appropriately to allow easy navigation of the site?
    • Focus is appropriately managed allowing users to noticeably tab through each of the important elements of the page.
    • Modal or interstitial windows appropriately lock focus.
    • The focus ring is always present and clearly visible
  • Are site elements defined semantically?
    • All non-text contents provide text alternatives
    • Elements on the page use the appropriate semantic elements. For those elements in which a semantic element is not available, appropriate ARIA roles are defined.
    • Headings are used properly.
    • Links have a href and title attributes.
    • Make sure all buttons text are descriptives enough (ex: Learn More or More isn't enough).
    • Semantic elements (header, nav, main, section, article, footer, ...) are used properly
    • The website is readable in high contrast mode
    • Contrast is valid according to WCAG AAA standards (tool)
    • Add role="application" to the div element with id#map
    • The <ul> that is the breadcrumb needs to have the appropriate aria structure. Follow this example https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/breadcrumb/index.html

Offline Availability

  • Are pages that have been visited available offline?
    • When available in the browser, the site uses a service worker to cache responses to requests for site assets. Visited pages are rendered when there is no network access.

Going beyond

This lists the checklist to pass the Stage 1 of the project: https://frontendchecklist.io/