
Add option to hide specific apps from taskbar

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have some apps which show windows that the user isn't meant to interact with. For example, an app that just pops up and closes if it loses focus.

  1. I would like to be able to hide a window from the dock completely if it matches a specific wmclass specified in settings
  2. Disable hiding taskbar if that window is touching its area

This would make it easier to use apps that "skip" the taskbar on X11, but can't on Wayland.

is that something relevant to dash-to-dock? seems to me that if this a bug(i.e works in x11 but not wayland), it should be fixed in gnome.
otherwise the application should control showing and hiding in the taskbar itself, no?

if this is a feature request and not a bug, i doubt it makes sense in dash-to-dock
you could probably implement this in a separate extension tho.

I understand. As far as I know, GNOME has no plans to address this issue, so I thought I'd ask here. I have adapted another GNOME extension to my use case and it is working fine (most of the time). I suppose this FR can be closed if it won't be addressed. Thank you.