Annotations with High Stock
tunamonster opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi, I would like to add annotations to my high stocks chart, but I am having trouble passing the correct commands.
Correct code for the JS lib:
series: [{ name: 'Series name', data: data, id: 'dataseries', }, { type: 'flags', name: 'Flags on series', data: [{ x: lastDate - 60 * days, title: 'On series' }], onSeries: 'dataseries', shape: 'squarepin' }]
My rails attempt:
f.series((name: 'sum', data: @t_data, id: 'dataseries'),(type: "flags", data[x:1456093403000, title: 'D', text: 'ooo'], onSeries: 'dataseries'))
It does not seem to accept the , after the first parentheses close
syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' f.series((name: 'sum', data: @t_data, id: 'dataseri... ^
yup , it's not LazyHighCharts error , it's a ruby syntax error
please check out wiki page,