How to Include highcharts in a popup window ?
jasmineranicp opened this issue · 4 comments
How to Include highcharts in a popup window ?
My controller code is :
@compare_revenue_chart ='graph') do |f|
f.title(:text => "Revenue")
f.xAxis(:categories => @months_new)
f.series(:name => "Revenue ", :yAxis => 0, :data => @revenue_graph)
f.yAxis [ {:title => {:text => "Revenue", :margin => 70} }]
f.legend(:align => 'right', :verticalAlign => 'top', :y => 75, :x => -50, :layout => 'vertical')
View is :
<%= high_chart("compare_revenue", @compare_revenue_chart) %>
popup window code
function compareRevenue()
var from_date = $( "#from_date" ).val();
var to_date = $( "#to_date" ).val();
url: "/dashboard/comparerevenue?from_date=" + from_date + "&to_date=" + to_date,
cache: false
}).done(function( html ) {
document.getElementById("popup_container").innerHTML = html ;
$( "#popup_container" ).dialog({ title: "Compare Revenue" },{width: 600},{height: 750});
But the chart doesnt seem to appear in the popup window . Is there any special way to display the highcharts in a popup window ?
is possible that the js returned in ajax is not being interpreted as js. I would recommend that you try something like js rendering instead of html, so the template that responds to /dashboard/comparerevenue
instead of repsond html format should respond the js version of the template . So, in your js template.
$("pop_up_container").html( "#{render partial "your_chart"}" );
then in _your_chart.erb partial
<%= high_chart("compare_revenue", @compare_revenue_chart) %>
then you don need to set the innerHTML of the ajax done()
function , because the .js template will do that.
Thanks for response Michelson .
I have made changes according to your response , it still doesn't seem to work . i have put the code below . I am very new to Ruby .Please correct me i am wrong.
Controller Action :
@compare_revenue_chart ='graph') do |f|
f.title(:text => "Revenue")
f.xAxis(:categories => @months_new)
f.series(:name => "Revenue ", :yAxis => 0, :data => @revenue_graph)
f.yAxis [ {:title => {:text => "Revenue", :margin => 70} }]
f.legend(:align => 'right', :verticalAlign => 'top', :y => 75, :x => -50, :layout => 'vertical')
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render :layout => false}
**js view template (comparerevenue.js) :
$("pop_up_container").html( "#{render partial 'display_compare_revenue'}" );
**partial (_display_compare_revenue.html.erb) :
<script src="/assets/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript">
<%= high_chart("compare_revenue", @compare_revenue_chart) %>
*function : *
function compareRevenue()
var from_date = $( "#from_date" ).val();
var to_date = $( "#to_date" ).val();
url: "/dashboard/comparerevenue?from_date=" + from_date + "&to_date=" + to_date,
cache: false
}).done(function( html ) {
//document.getElementById("popup_container").innerHTML = html ;
$( "#popup_container" ).dialog({ title: "Compare Revenue" },{width: 600},{height: 750});
Hi , it seems that $("pop_up_container").html( "#{render partial 'display_compare_revenue'}" );
it's wrong it should be $("#pop_up_container").
note the #
for readability please format you code in your comments, I've do it for you twice now
Hi , even with $("#pop_up_container") - it doesnt work .