
Relative paths

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In the project are some absolute paths like "....\TwitchCSharp\TwitchCSharp\bin\Release\Newtonsoft.Json.dll" and "C:\Users\michi\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SimpleTwitchHelper\SimpleTwitchHelper\Build". So the project is unbuildable for other than you.

Just remove and re-add the needed assemblies. If the problem persists, send me the name of the files, and the line number, containing these absolute paths.

e.g. https://github.com/michidk/SimpleTwitchHelper/blob/master/SimpleTwitchHelper/SimpleTwitchHelper.csproj#L18 and https://github.com/michidk/SimpleTwitchHelper/blob/master/SimpleTwitchHelper/SimpleTwitchHelper.csproj#L71

Don't want to have an "TwitchCSharp" directory in my folder, where is only an DLL, You should embed the DLLs in the root folder of the project and not in folders that are not in the project included.

The first one is irrelevant. (Read more: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c37e68bc.aspx)
For the second one, i will change the path, but keep in mind that i don't upload the assemblies.
You can download them here:

These were installed with NuGet:

I will upload this version later.

Fixed in 0dc547e