
Activating scene in Clip V2 API

JOHNEPPILLAR opened this issue · 2 comments


How do you activate a scene using the Clip v2 API?

In the v1 API, I know you can activate a scene by using:

var command = new SceneCommand {Scene = "xxxxxxxx"}
await _client.SendGroupCommandAsync(command, groupId)

You can do this:

UpdateScene req = new UpdateScene()
  Recall = new Recall() {  Action = "active"}
var result = await localHueClient.UpdateSceneAsync(id, req);

In the next update this will be made more typesafe:

Recall = new Recall() {  Action =  SceneRecallAction.active }

You can use the Hue Migration Guide to see how things work with the V2 API: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/hue-api-v2/migration-guide-to-the-new-hue-api/#Scenes

You can do this:

UpdateScene req = new UpdateScene()
  Recall = new Recall() {  Action = "active"}
var result = await localHueClient.UpdateSceneAsync(id, req);

In the next update this will be made more typesafe:

Recall = new Recall() {  Action =  SceneRecallAction.active }

You can use the Hue Migration Guide to see how things work with the V2 API: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/hue-api-v2/migration-guide-to-the-new-hue-api/#Scenes

Thank you very much. Appreciated.