Need example for QR Scanner on .Net core
ks1990cn opened this issue · 1 comments
ks1990cn commented
I need an example related to implementation of QR Scanner using .Net Core 6.0. I've found there you mentioned to download other nuget packages but not specified without any implementation.
So probably examples need to be modified. I am open to contribute on this, just need little guidance for this.
For .Net 5.0 and above getting, error for BarcodeReader class (stating parameter is missing) hence we need latest documentation.
micjahn commented
It isn't that hard, f.e.
- add the nuget package
- add the line "using ZXing.Windows.Compatibility;" below "using ZXing;" in your code.
And that it is. Your code will compile.
Independently from the target .net framework version you have to add some more code to convert the value of "imageData" to a bitmap instance. But that is not a part of ZXing.Net.